Monday 30 November 2015

Friday 27th

Today me and Chris performed our piece in front of Rob for the feedback. This was the 1st time me and Chris rehearsed since the 1st time we did shortly after we had the script handed to us. Robs feed back was to decrease the amount of pauses between lines (this was due to me truing to remember the lines as we went along) and to try and 'act' less meaning to let the lines do a bit more rather than myself push the lines. The feedback was food for me as I feed off of constructive criticism as it is only to help me be better. Therefore taking it into account I believe it's all down to learning my lines more which in turn will draw me away from over acting as I had to do that to over
overcompensate for not knowing the lines properly. I am looking forward to doing more practice with Chris to build our chemistry more which in turn helps our performance seem more natural rather than acting it. That technique really helped with the Trojan Women performance I did with Dulce because it felt more like our situation rather than 'me and you are performing this script' kind of thing.
This being our second performance I feel the difference between working with different people. Chris and Dulce are very to different people and because of that it's a different energy when working with him (beside the script being different). But that being said I do hope me and Chris's performance is of a good standard and hopefully we will bring the best out of each other to make this a great performance.

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