Wednesday 18 November 2015

Q&A with Mark Gatiss

Saturday, 17 October

Rob took us to a question and answer session in the Royal Theatre Haymarket with award winning actor and writer Mark Gatiss. He starred in some famous TV/Movies shows such as Doctor Who, Game of Throne, Sherlock and currently is in Three Days in the Country at the National Theatre. I learned quite a lot about Mark and how he reached the success he has today.
He is interested in crime and would like to write more plays about that.
To express ourselves we should definitely find something creative within us to expreress ourselves e.g. drawing, writing songs
"Entering Shakespeare is a strange mutual conspiracy...”
His response to what inspired him to become an actor and he admitted it was passion.
To be rejected, told no and fall you need thick skin in order to try again
He believes in surrounding yourself with people you believe in and respect. He also believes that persistence is key to success.
He directed a play which is coming out on Halloween
All he wanted to do was to write and act
‘worst journey in the world’ is his favourite book.
Gatiss believes giving up is part of the process and that we all hit a weak point sometime
When filming, he has a lot of free time in which is prefers to write
The best thing being an actor is working hard with your friends and having a group hug before going on stage
Gatiss feels his confidence decreases as he grows older. The worst thing being an actor is confidence.
Mark's favourite advice was “Stick at it, it will get better”
Gatiss agreed that phones are actually quite annoying whilst performing on stage and one time he felt like punching someone because they actually answered their phone in the middle of a performance
I throughly enjoyed this experience was great as I learnt so many things about Mark and a different side to him rather than what you see on the TV screen. Mr Gatiss is inspirational to many and as a student of this industry despite my lack of knowledge before I met him I will take the Jewels that he dropped within the Q&A.

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